Statement of Faith
Kids of the King Productions, LLC, is a faith-based organization that aligns with Evangelical Christian beliefs. All Directors and Staff actively serve a local community of believers. We strive to reflect the love and grace of Jesus to an imperfect world and impact future generations through storytelling, fellowship, and the creative arts.
Core Values
We believe that all things are created by and for the one and only God of the Bible. He exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and is Sovereign Lord of all. He created mankind in His image, to know, love and serve Him. He created mankind in community to know, love, and serve each other. He gave mankind the Bible which is His inspired and infallible Word, possessing His authority. God is perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, love, and judgment.
We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father who became man and lived a sinless life. He was born of the virgin Mary and was both fully God and fully man. We believe that mankind sinned and continues to sin by violating God's righteous requirements and holy character. This separates us from God. In Jesus, God saved us by taking man's sin upon Himself as a substitute. Jesus died on the cross revealing both God's abhorrence of sin and His measureless love as it reconciles the world to God. We believe that Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day assuring the resurrection and eternal life of all who believe and trust Him. We believe that God extends salvation as a free gift to any individual who responds in faith to the truth and love of God. This salvation is not accomplished by any work of the individual, but in the sacrifice of Jesus' life alone and through the Holy Spirit.
We believe the Holy Spirit by whom God dwells in those who trust in Jesus, is continuously at work in the minds and hearts of man, moving men to acknowledge their sins and accept the divine forgiveness and grace. The Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus, teaches, comforts, guides us in truth, sanctifies, and empowers His disciples to share the truth of Jesus with others.
We believe Jesus will visibly return and establish His kingdom forever. All people will sit before God’s perfect judgment, bringing eternal life to those who believed and eternal punishment to those who did not.
We believe the arts are a reflection of God’s beauty, creativity, order, person, enjoyment and brilliance. They exist for His glory. Their intrinsic goodness was spoiled by man’s sin, but He redeems art as He redeems mankind. The arts are for individual, whole-church, and heavenly worship: for expressing truth, for celebrating, for revealing Him to others, for community, and concurrently for enjoyment.