Frequently Asked Questions

Dear Parents of KOTK Campers,

We at Kids of the King Productions (KOTK), are very excited about this year’s camp and are glad your child has chosen to spend the week with us. We are praying God will move mightily in the lives and hearts of the children, the leaders, and those who come to the presentation. We hope you will invite your friends, family, and neighbors to experience this creative retelling of the stories of Nicodemus, John the Baptist, and the Woman at the Well.


Prepare For Camp

You will be emailed a link to listening tracks, sheet music, and the script. We strongly request that your child listen to the music as much as possible before camp. 3–4 days of camp will be spent memorizing lyrics, notes, blocking, and choreography, so the more they know before camp starts, the better!

 We kindly request that you print out the choral music for your child to bring to camp. Sheet music is an integral part of learning music and musical theatre. Your child will be taught how to follow the sheet music and lyrics.  We will provide a folder for each child to store their music for the week.  It may be kept at camp in their totes. It is not necessary to print the script if your child does not have a speaking part.  But we highly encourage Campers to read the script online to be familiar with the story.

Auditioning to be a Featured Singer, Actor or Dancer

Please indicate on your registration form if you are interested in a featured role. You will be given the opportunity on the first day of camp to audition.

Camp Hours

Camp starts promptly at 9 a.m. Camp ends at 4 p.m.


First Day

You may arrive as early as 8:30 on Monday, July 22, 2024


Camper Pick-up

Pick-up starts at 4 pm. Please park in the lot across from the church and walk to the white welcome tent. Present your child’s information card to our Camp Staff. They will call your child/children and you may leave together. If you will have someone other than yourself picking up, please indicate the need for a second information card and one will be provided in your welcome pack.

Know that your child’s safety is our priority. We understand that when your child is not with you, he/she is our responsibility. If you are caught in traffic or providentially delayed, please call or text Amy at 407-929-9115 to let us know.


Remainder Of The Week

There is no need to walk your child in the rest of the week. We will have KOTK staff members at the walkway for you to just drop off. Follow the signs as you enter the campus.

KOTK Staff will escort them to drop off their items in their tote and proceed to the Auditorium for the start of the day. Follow the Camper Pick-up instructions for each day.


What Does My Camper Wear

Closed-toe shoes are required every day. For safety reasons, no sandals or flip-flops will be allowed.  On the first day of camp, your Camper will be given a T-shirt in the size indicated on their registration. Please have them change into the T-shirt in the restroom.  The Camp shirt will be worn on Day ONE and used again for our performances on Saturday.

We will have four themed days. We encourage everyone to join in the fun.


The kids will have access to water fountains and restrooms and will have a 10–15 minute morning and afternoon snack break each day.  Please provide a healthy snack for your camper that is free from nuts as we have children with severe allergies.


We ask that every parent send a lunch with their child every day. Again, please avoid sending lunches with nuts, peanut butter, etc.  Please be sure that your child’s lunch box/bag/tote/backpack is CLEARLY LABELED with his/her name. We want to be sure your child comes home with everything that he/she arrived with each day.


Performances And Pizza Party

We will have 2 performances of the show. Our first is an invited dress rehearsal at 10:30 am.  If need be, we will stop and fix any glaring issues.  The second and final performance is at 2 pm.  You and your guests are invited to either or both.  But please know you will not be able to stay in the building between performances. Your children will have worked so very hard all week and we want to reward them. We will supply pizza, drinks, and dessert for them in between performances.  If your child can’t or won’t eat pizza (cheese or pepperoni), please supply lunch for them.  Unless there are extremely extenuating circumstances, Campers will not be allowed to leave campus on Saturday before the presentation at 2 pm.

Ministry Project

Our Ministry Project will be to collect much-needed items for Matthew’s Hope. Matthew’s Hope fosters the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our community's homeless men, women, and children by meeting basic needs, developing skills, and restoring dignity and independence. We encourage your child to bring in items from the list below each day.  Our collection will help those in need in the West Orange Community.  

Single-serve food cups, fruit, veggies, ramen cups, Chef Boyardee, Beanie Weenies, and bottled water. Travel-size hygiene items: especially bug spray, gold bond powder, deodorant, body wash, lotion, and shampoo. (No mouthwash!)

We do not require tickets for the presentation but would love for each guest to bring a donation for our ministry project.



Your child’s safety is our utmost concern. Each adult volunteer and staff member has completed a background check, interview, and camp staff training.

Emergency Contact

In case of an emergency during camp hours, please call Amy at 407-929-9115.

Do You Have To Be A Christian To Come To Camp?

No. KOTK holds to Judeo-Christian values of family, community, leadership, and positive encouragement. We welcome all kids of varying faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Due to the extreme popularity of our camps, we do not offer refunds or cancellations for any reason except for medical or family emergencies


Please let us know of allergies on your registration form. Our staff will be alerted to the allergy and maintain a high level of awareness. Medication can be left with directions WITH the camp coordinator. PLEASE NOTE: We are a “no nut” organization.

Is There A Nurse On Staff?

We do have a nurse on staff.